Originally, there were about twenty illustrated positions in the manual. Over the centuries, the Kama Sutra has been scrunitised and included in books about sexual positions, which explains why as a rule we only know it as a sexual guide.

It also explains that men shouldn’t be content with the act of sex itself: they should also master the art of caressing, kissing, biting and other types of touching their partner. All issues of a sexual nature are dealt with in a liberal and relaxed tone: desire, penis size, fantasies, orgasms and pregnancy. The other six chapters are dedicated to marriage, desire and relationships. It was translated into European languages in the 19th century.Ĭomposed of seven chapters, the Kama Sutra only refers to positions for making love in the first part of the book, contrary to common belief. Chiefly famous for its descriptions of sexual positions, it also offers advice for living in harmony as a couple. Written between the 4th and 7th centuries, this Indian compilation was originally destined for the aristocracy and courtisans. The medieval writer Vâtsyâyana decided to unite the many works that deal with pleasure in one volume. In Sanskrit, "kâma" refers to the god of carnal love, whilst "sûtra" means “aphorisms’.

Where does it come from? What does it reveal? Delve into the secrets of the Kama Sutra.

We’ve all heard about this mythical book.